Uncover a Game-Changing strategy for Enhancing Your Company's Branding Efforts.

Think of your brain as a two-sided coin...
On one side, you've got the logical left brain, always busy analyzing and comparing. On the other side, you've got the creative right brain, connected to memories, subconscious feelings and intuition. Building brand awareness and loyalty is not about winning a logical comparison, it's about creating feelings and memories that motivate people to join your tribe.
What's Wrong with Ads?
Traditional Advertising attempts to gain the attention of the customer and convince them that your product or service is valuable. But why is this not effective in today's world?
Poor Viewer Attention: Firstly, most viewers of ads are mindlessly scrolling and aren't focused enough for the brand to register in their memories. Even if they do watch the ad, there is a very low chance that the viewer is moved enough to create a memory.
Cost Inefficiency: Secondly, the competitive marketplace for ads means that you are automatically paying for each eyeball and click, regardless of the effectiveness of the ad, and the more in-demand the keyword, the more expensive it is to rank for it.
Creative Uncertainty: Lastly, profitable ads are impossible to predict, and expensive to make. Professional advertisers often create and test several different ad variations to see which is most effective, a very time-intensive and costly process.
So, What's Right Brain Marketing?
And why is it a more efficient strategy for organizations?
When it comes to promoting your brand, instead of spending money on expensive ad campaigns, focus on developing distinctive products that hold personal significance for your target audience. Ideally, these products should be used frequently by customers and fulfill their daily needs. The presence of your unique item in their lives will serve as a constant reminder of your brand's value and create a strong affinity towards your brand.
Human Needs

When someone receives a practical gift from a brand, it's like the brand is saying 'Hey, we get you! We know you're a real person with real needs!' This shows that the brand really values their customers by addressing their deep-down pain points, rather than just bragging about their own product or service.
Identity and Belonging

In the fast-paced world we live in, people are constantly looking for chances to set themselves apart as individuals with distinct dreams, desires, and interests. They're constantly searching for convenient ways to display these values in their day-to-day lives, proudly embodying the brands that hold significance to them, or the organizations they belong to.
Network Influence

People are far more open to suggestion from individuals within their network rather than from outside influence. When people wear branded goods, it provides free exposure to the dozens of folks closest to them. Is there a better way to make a first impression? We don't think so.

If someone does something nice for you, you will feel obligated to reciprocate or return the favor at some point. This is a fundamental aspect of human social nature. When an individual receives a high-quality branded item from an organization, this principle states that they will respond with kindness, either by making a purchase or by spreading the word to others in their personal network.